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Ross!" I shook my head as I was brought back into reality. My mother looked at me and then followed my gaze before shouting, "Ross!" realizing what I was so engrossed in. She kind of shook her upper body in disgust at where I was looking. Being rather prudish and quiet my mother quickly added so that the awkwardness would disappear. "What are your plans for this afternoon?" Dunno mum. I was going to go out and play soccer with the guys but it's probably off as its not too nice out."The girls came in kind of pushing each other as neither wanted to come in first. I smiled when I saw what they were wearing...the tightest of t shirts, obviously not wearing a bra and skirts that hardly covered their asses, especially Vicky's. They came and sat down opposite me. "What are you too girls doing this afternoon?"Cathy spoke up. "Ohhh, we were going to go to the mall but Ross has said he will show us how to download stuff from the internet." "Ohhh I forgot about that." I quickly. And!", I broke down in a fit of sadness. Brad continued, "Someone was screaming upstairs. Then we smelled kerosene." She couldn't speak and kept repeating the same thing, over and over. 'Oh my god.' They suspected our father of wrongdoing. Our testimony against him didn't mean a thing because he hired quite a lawyer from what we later were told. For a few years, the two of us spent time with our temporary guardians while dad battled in court for custody. The time gave us an opportunity to recover from our ordeal but no matter how hard we tried it would never be enough. Years later when he regained full custody, having gone through a multitude of courses and donating money to the local police precinct, our father welcomed us into his new home. Everything was great. Considering his career in the government, his job meant stress became a daily part of his routine. We found a way to cope. When dad arrived home, both of us disappeared to our rooms. He never sought us out. Just drank.
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